Custom context module general help solution: i googled and found the module called custom context 280rc11 which might solve my problem: then i got to extensions, selected appropriate custom context, saved, applied config and found out that it doesn’t work again some extension does not skip the outbound routes it was denied to. Custom contexts module download. Yes, it has everything to do with the custom context module as rjenkinsgb pointed out, that drop box just fills in the context field under device options custom context creates a context with the name you gave it, there is nothing different from the module creates than any other context in asterisk extensionsconf (or any of the includes).
custom contexts module download
Installing the custom-context module the custom-context module allows us to create contexts to which extensions will subscribe in asterisk, a context is a part of the dialplan that executes certain … - selection from elastix unified communications server cookbook [book]. Firstly, i bit the bullet and tried to install custom context and at least it did not break my setup although i am having some issue with calls that cannot be picked with xlite at the moment but think that has something to do with upgrade asterisk or frepbx 2.4 itself not customcontext.. Context context allows you to manage contextual conditions and reactions for different portions of your site. you can think of each context as representing a "section" of your site. for each context, you can choose the conditions that trigger this context to be active and choose different aspects of drupal that should react to this active context..